Benefits of Figs
41. Figs for the Skin
A fig is not just a delicious and healthy fruit but is a great natural ingredient for your skin care. It helps you to stay young and beautiful inside and out.Some of the benefits of figs for the skin are
42. Figs for the Hair
Fruits rich in Vitamin C and E fight hair loss problems and maintain the proper health of the hair. Figs contain hairfriendly nutrients like magnesium, Vitamin C and E which promote hair growth. The essential nutrients present in this fruit stimulate blood circulation in the body to accelerate hair growth.
43. Usage
sweet figs are seasonal fruits which are enjoyed by one and all. Figs are extremely juicy and sweet, and have a chewy flesh and crunchy seeds. Theyare eaten in both the raw and dry forms. Fresh figs are more nutritious than dry figs, so try to include more of fresh figs in your diet than the dry ones. Before eating or using figs, wash them under running water and gently remove the stem. You can eat fresh figs whole or peeled. Simmer frozen figs in water to make them plumper and juicier.
44. Some Important Tips
Dried figs (anjeer) are available throughout the year. Figs grow on the ficus carica tree which belongs to the mulberry family. Dried figs are better concentrated sources of minerals and vitamins. Here are some of the healthbenefitsof figs.
45. High in Fiber
A 1/2cup serving of dried figs contains 7.3 g of fiber. Including more fiber in your diet can help lower your risk of chronic illness such as heart disease and diabetes. Dried figs contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber slows digestion for appetite and blood sugar control and also helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool, improving bowel function. According to the Institute of Medicine, healthy adult women need 25 grams of fiber a day, and adult men need 38 grams.
46. Good Source of Iron
Dried figs can also help you meet your iron needs. A 1/2cup serving of dried figs contains 1.5 mg of iron. Iron is an essential mineral needed to help transport oxygen in your blood. Without enough iron in your diet, delivery of oxygen to your cells decreases, causing you to feel tired and weak and more susceptible to infection. Adult men and women over the age of 51 need 8 mg of iron a day, and women between the ages of 19 and 50 need 18 mg of iron a day.
47. Improves digestion
Anjeer is rich in dietary fibre. 3 pieces of dried figs contain 5 grams of fibre, which accounts for about 20% of our daily requirement. Its a natural laxative for preventingconstipationand other digestive problems likeirritable bowel syndrome(IBS).
48. Prevents hypertension
When you eat more salt, the level of sodium in your body increases. This disturbs the sodiumpotassium balance of the body and in turn results inhypertension. Anjeer is an ideal fruit for helping to restore this balance. One dried fig gives you 129mg of potassium and just 2mg of sodium. This helps to prevent hypertension.
49. Rich in antioxidants
Dried figs are rich inantioxidants. A study by Vinson JA and colleagues suggested that processed, dried figs are superior to natural figs when it comes to antioxidants. The study also mentions that dried figs have superior quality of antioxidants, called phenols, compared to other fruits that attribute their antioxidant property tovitamin Cand E.
50. Cures irondeficiencyanemia
Dried figs are a rich source of iron. One dried fig can give you 2% of your daily iron requirement. Iron is an important mineral that carries hemoglobin throughout your body. So eating anjeer is a natural way to raise your hemoglobin levels indirectly by increasing the levels of iron in your body.
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