Benefits of Figs
61. Prevents Macular Degeneration
Fig juice can help in preventing macular degeneration i.e. age induced weakness of vision. In addition to the benefits given above, fig juice reduces the risk of breast cancer, cures haemorrhoids and regulates blood pressure.
62. Heals Sores Warts Acne & Pimples
This juice has good healing properties and can heal skin sores and warts. Applying the juice of mashed fresh figs on your face for 10 to 15 minutes is useful in treating acne and pimples.
63. Prevents Signs of Ageing
Figs also contain vitamin C. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant by fighting free radicals that damage your skin, thus preventing signs of ageing. Fig juice can be taken to get this benefit.
Regular consumption of figs protects the colon from various inflammatory diseases. It ensures healthy bowel function and can provide protection against colon cancer.The fiber content in figs is extremely high, so regular consumption of figs will keep constipation at bay, as it encourages bulky stool formation. Thus, it aids in healthy bowel function. Regular consumption of the fruit will prevent further recurrence of the problem.
65. Laxative Qualities
The good levels of vitamin B6 make it a perfect choice as a laxative that regulates the bowel movements. Drinking fig juice on a daily basis will ensure that you keep away from constipation and have proper bowels. Since it is quite mild as a laxative, it can be given to children as well.
66. Treats Bronchial Infections
The soothing qualities of fig juice helps in reducing the irritation caused in the throat and nasal passages due to bronchitis and thus help in treating the problem quite effectively and in a 100 percent natural way.
67. Breaking Constipation
The tough skin and the cellulose content found in figs make them a natural and dependable laxative.People can choose to eat either fresh figs or dried figs, depending on their preferences. However, dried figs could be quite high in sugar and therefore, weight watchers and diabetics should opt for fresh figs instead. Moreover, despite all the health benefits of figs mentioned above, it is essential to check with a doctor, before adding them to a daily diet.
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