Benefits of Figs
51. Improves reproductive health
The Greeks used fig as a natural aphrodisiac. Figs were considered as a sacred fruit and were closely associated with fertility and love. Scientifically, figs improve fertility and libido because they are loaded with minerals like zinc, manganese and magnesium which play an important role in boosting reproductive health.
52. Long and luscious hair
Considering the present lifestyle and eating habits, hair problems are pretty common these days. The main reason behind this is the deficiency of vital minerals and nutrients.
53. Cautions about Figs
Figs are a very safe food, although they do have a slight laxative effect and so should not be consumed to excess, particularly when dried. When picking figs, a small amount of fig latex may be produced from the stem. Some people have an allergy to this white fluid and should wear gloves when picking figs. This fluid is not present in the fruit itself, but only the stem.
54. Food Value of Figs
An analysis of the fresh figs shows it consists good amount of moisture and little protein, fat and carbohydrate. The dry figs have a high nutritive value. Its most important food element is sugar which forms s1 to 74 percent of the whole fruit. Figs are excellent source of potassium, dietary fiber and manganese. Potassium is very helpful tocontrol high blood pressure; dietary fiber supports bowel regularity and helps to maintain sugar and cholesterol levels normal. Manganese helps to control infertility, weakness, heart disorders, memory loss, muscle contraction.
55. Heals Bronchial Infections
Fig juice is effective in clearing bronchial infections as it soothes the mucous membranes in the throat and helps reduce irritation. Fig juice can also be used in curing constipation. Fig juice combined with oat milk helps in relieving constipation symptoms. For this purpose, you can take around 300 ml of oat milk and 90 ml of fig juice with some licorice extract. This should be consumed soon after waking up for quick relief.
56. Cures Constipation
Fig juice can also be used in curing constipation. Fig juice combined with oat milk helps in relieving constipation symptoms. For this purpose, you can take around 300 ml of oat milk and 90 ml of fig juice with some licorice extract. This should be consumed soon after waking up for quick relief.
57. Fights Bladder Stones
Bladder stone can be caused due to accumulation of mineral deposit in the bladder. Concentrated fig juice is a good source of minerals and nutrients besides being low in cholesterol and sodium. Thus, it can be effective in fighting bladder stones.
58. Natural Body Builder
Being rich in carbohydrates and natural sugars, fig juice acts as a natural body builder. Drinking fig juice can boost your vitality, enabling you to exercise more and burn off extra calories. One serving of fig juice provides around 250 kcals of energy and 3 grams of protein. The high glucose content of fig juice can fuel the muscles in course of a workout whereas protein is a muscle building and body building nutrient.
59. Helps in Burning Excess Calories
This juice is conducive to weight loss due to its high fiber content. Drinking fig juice as part of a weight loss diet will help in cutting down unnecessary calories but still provide the body with the required nutrition. In some countries, fig extract is used instead of sugar in desserts meant for diabetics.
60. Good Substitute for Breast Milk
Freshly squeezed organic fig juice is similar in composition to breast milk and can even double the size of the infant in six months. This is particularly beneficial for HIV/AIDS infected women who cannot nurse their infants. Fig juice is also an alternative for those infants who are allergic to substances such as whey and soy contained in infant formulas.
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