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Preventing cancer diabetes heart disease and inhibit tumor growth

Benefits of Durian


Preventing cancer diabetes heart disease and inhibit tumor growth

Durian could possibly eliminate cancercausing ingredients, increase immunity, avoids diabetic issues as well as cardiovascular disease. While study carried out by Oleg Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, School of Medicine, State University of New York discovered that phytosterol ingredients found in durian can enhance antitumor response in your body, increasing the defense mechanisms against cancer as well as hinder tumor development.


The Fat of the Matter
Analgesic and antibiotic properties
Avoids and relieves constipation Fiber 37%
Aids in digestion Thiamin 61%
Helps relieve migraine Riboflavin 29%
Durian Nutritional value
Durian fruit
Vitamins and Minerals
Prevents premature aging
Promotes healthy pregnancy Folate 22%
A good source of energy
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