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Benefits of Durian



Durian is an exotic and controversial fruit in many parts of Southeast Asia, and is widely celebrated for its long list of health benefits, which include the ability to boost your immune system, prevent cancer and inhibit free radical activity, improve digestion, strengthen bones, improve signs of anemia, cure insomnia, prevent premature aging, lower blood pressure, and protect against cardiovascular diseases. Some of the more minor benefits of durian is its ability to help with diabetes management, reduce inflammation of the joints, help thyroid health, reduce headaches, and lower symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.


Boosts Brain Power
Improve Sleep
Durian is a seasonal fruit
Flavour and odour
A good source of energy
Beneficial for Anaemic patients
Natural aphrodisiac
A few Words of Warning
Helps in Antiinflammatory activity
Help in Preventing stress
Helps in curing jaundice
Helps relieve migraine Riboflavin 29%
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