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Durian Nutritional value

Benefits of Durian


Durian Nutritional value

Most of the health benefits come fromdurianpowersimpressive vitamin and mineral content. It contains vitamins such as vitaminC, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6 and vitamin A. Important minerals such aspotassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus are found in durian. It also contains nutrients such asphytonutrients, water, protein and beneficial dietary fats.


Aids in digestion Thiamin 61%
Durian Cakes and candies
Assist in Avoiding bellyful Morning Sickness
Carbohydrates and Fiber
Helps maintain a healthy thyroid Copper 25%
Helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases
The Fat of the Matter
Promotes healthy skin Vitamin C 80%
A few Words of Warning
Health Benefits
People with diabetes must limit their durian intake
More about Durian
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