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High in beneficial fats

Benefits of Durian


High in beneficial fats

Like avocados and coconuts, durians belong to that rare group of fruits that contain large amounts of fat and calories. Specifically, one cup ofduriancontains 13 grams of fat (20 percent of our RDI) and a whopping 357 calories. Sadly, these facts often discourage people from eating or even trying durians since they believe they will cause weight gain and high cholesterol. In reality, however, the fats found in durians are the heartboosting monosaturated kind that lower powerbadpower LDL cholesterol, and as with other calorificfruits weight gain is usually caused by excessive consumption of them (eating a whole durian in one sitting, for instance, probably isnpowert a good idea).


Fight Free radicals
For a healthy digestive system
Good source of energy
A few Words of Warning
Regulates blood sugar levels Manganese 39%
Helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases
Durians can cause weight gain
Antioxidant Activity
Durian Cakes and candies
Mosquito repellent drugs
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