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Broccoli facts

Benefits of Broccoli


Broccoli facts

Broccoli originated in Italy, where it was developed from wild cabbage and has existed since about sixth century B.C. The Italian name for broccoli is broccolo, meaning the flowering top of a cabbage. The word comes from the Latin word brachium, which means branch or arm, a reflection of the vegetables treelike shape. The plant came to France in 1560. Until the early 1700s, broccoli was still not widely known in England and was called sprout colli flower or Italian asparagus.


Anti inflammatory benefits
Stir Frying Broccoli
Immune system
How to Select
Diet aid
Nutrient and Health Benefits of Raw Broccoli
Blood Pressure and Kidney Health
Reduce cancer risk
Other Health Benefits Provided by Broccoli
Healthy Steaming versus Microwaving Broccoli
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