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Haricot Beans Nutrition

Benefits of Beans


Haricot Beans Nutrition

Pulses and legumes contain high percentage of proteins and carbohydrates. The same nutrient data is applicable to haricot beans. Serving 100 g of dried haricot beans provide 21.5 g proteins, 45.5 g carbohydrates, 2.4 g fiber and 1.5 g fats. Other highly appropriated haricot beans nutrition facts are the presence of high amounts of calcium (about 180 mg in 100 g beans) and iron (about 6.8 mg in 100 g beans). In short, haricot beans are good sources of mineral nutrients required for normal functioning of the body.


What are Haricot Beans
Snap beans are a good source of folates
Black beans
In Depth Nutritional Profile
Cardiovascular Benefits
Dry Beans are Low in Fat
Dry beans
Normal cooking
Dry Beans Provide Beneficial Dietary Fiber
Tips for Preparing Green Beans
Black beans pack
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