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Tough Break

6Ball billiards


Tough Break

In 6ball the open break is challenging. You have to be stroking well to sink even one ball, especially on a ninefoot table. The 6ball as it rests in the middle (see the accompanying image for the racking position of the balls) is espcially difficult to shoot in with the break and score the easy win, as with the striped nine in 9ball.The Ball game break is so tough that it remains controversial among pool pros as to whether it helps to play the break or let the opponent handle it!


6 Ball billiards Games
6 Ball Rules
Try Adding One Ball To The Mix
How To Play 6 Ball Billiards
Cue Ball After Jump Scratch or Foul
6 Ball Rules History
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Jumped Object Balls
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Running To Win
Object of 6 Ball
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