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How to Look Younger



Facial hair can sometimes appear in women after the menopause due to a change in hormone levels. To get rid of this, and therefore hide your age a little better, there are a few easy ways to keep it away including laser removal, waxing, depilatory/hair removal cream and threading.Women should also make sure to keep their eyebrows looking pretty thick. As you get older, your eyebrows may start to thin out, so make sure to color them in with a pencil that matches the color of your eyebrows so you continue to look youthful.


Choose a gentle facial cleanser
Stay hydrated
Accessorize correctly
Exfoliate your skin
Moisturize after cleansing
Reduce stress as much as you can
Wear pink grapefruit scented perfume
Eat food that makes you look younger
Update your hairstyle
Cover up your greys
Get lots of sleep
Wear bright colors
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