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Check for leaks

Help Save the Environment


Check for leaks

If your faucets drip, get them fixed, or, if you cant fix it right away, at least put a container under the dripping faucet and use the water elsewhere, such as in your garden to water plants.To check your toilets, put a few drops of food coloring in the tank, not the bowl. Wait about ten minutes without flushing. If you see the dye in the toilet bowl, repair your toilet.


Use reusable bottles for water
Volunteer your time
Consider using cloth diapers
Run your air conditioner sparingly or not at all
Use a warm blanket or sweater in winter
Stop your junk mail from coming
Telecommute or work from home
Buy or make a few reusable fabric bags
Recycle all you can
Live near work school and other frequent destinations if possible
Maintain your car
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