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Treats Dysentery

Benefits of Rambutan fruits


Treats Dysentery

Peel the skin of rambutan and also cut the skin into tiny bits. Add three glasses of water and also boil them till the water continues to be half. Let the water to get cool, strain and after that take in the liquid twice a day. Skin and stem contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic substances, and iron.. Rambutans roots, bark, and leaves have various uses in the production of dyes and drugs.


Diabetes treatment
Rambutan is rich in sugar
Hydrates Skin
Anti oxidant components
To treat fever
Good source of beta carotene
Absorption Of Micro Nutrients
Health benefits of Rambutan
Seeds of rambutan
Skin care
Most of the calories of rambutan
Origin and distribution
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