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Benefits of Kiwi Fruits



The actinidain found in kiwifruit can be anallergenfor some individuals.Specifically, people allergic tolatex, bananas, papayas, or pineapples are likely to also be allergic to kiwifruit. The fruit also containscalcium oxalatecrystals in the form ofraphides. Reactions to these chemicals include sweating, tingling, and sore mouth or throat; swelling of the lips, tongue and face; rash; vomiting and abdominal pain, heartburn; and, in the most severe cases, breathing difficulties, wheezing, and collapse.


Pests and diseases
Fights and prevents wrinkles
Kiwifruit and Oxalates
How to Enjoy
Low glycemic index
Fruit Description
Wash Properly before Eating
Fights cardiovascular diseases
Tips for Preparing Kiwifruit
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