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Amaryllis Formosissima



Amaryllis Formosissima

A native of South America according to Linnaeus, first known in Europe in 1593, figured by Parkinson in 1629, and placed by him among the Daffodils, stoves and green houses were then unknown, no wonder therefore it did not thrive long.
Is now become pretty common in the curious gardens in England, and known by the name of Jacobaea Lily, the roots send forth plenty of offsets, especially when they are kept in a moderate warmth in winter, for the roots of this kind will live in a good green house, or may be preserved through the winter under a common hot bed frame, but then they will not flower so often, nor send out so many offsets as when they are placed in a moderate stove in winter. This sort will produce its flowers two or three times in a year, and is not regular to any season, but from March to the beginning of September, the flowers will be produced, when the roots are in vigour.
It is propagated by offsets, which may be taken off every year, the best time to shift and part these roots is in August, that they may take good root before winter, in doing of this, there should be care taken not to break off the fibres from their roots. They should be planted in pots of a middling size, filled with light kitchen garden earth, and, if they are kept in a moderate degree of warmth, they will produce their flowers in plenty, and the roots will make great increase.


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