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Encourage stronger immune system

Benefits of Durian


Encourage stronger immune system

Durian is full of iron which can be crucial in creating white blood cells. Sufficient quantities of these types of cells aid in fighting infections and make tougher immune system.Stress reducer. The amino acids known as Tryptophan found in Durian help promote happy feelings. Tryptophan increases serotonin as well as melatonin level, the hormones which manages our emotions. Serotonin can easily relieve depressive disorders, sleeplessness as well as anxiousness.


Helps prevent anemia Folate
Purchasing advice
People with diabetes must limit their durian intake
For healthy bones and teeth
Bursting with nutrients
Health Benefits
Durians are rich in nutrients
Durian fruit
sweet and buttery taste
Anti aging
the harmful effects of free radicals
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