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Beetroot for blood pressure management

Benefits of Beetroot


Beetroot for blood pressure management

Researchers have known for some time that juice may help lower blood pressure, but in 2010 UK researchers revealed that nitrate is the special ingredient in beetroot which lowers blood pressure and may help to fight heart disease. In a Queen Mary University of London study, healthy participants had to drink a glass of beetroot juice while others had a dummy (placebo) drink. Others took nitrate tablets. Blood pressure was lowered within 24 hours in people who took nitrate tablets and those who drank beetroot juice. The researchers admitted to BootsWebMD that beetroot juice is a love it or hate it kind of drink, but found people in the study didnt mind it so much when they were drinking it every day.


How to select and store
Potential health risks of consuming beetroot
Prevents plaque formation and reduces
Fight Inflammation
Treats anaemia
Beetroot contains a pigment
Individual Concerns
Nutritional Profile
Beets are an ancient
Folic acid
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