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A location to die for

Weird Laws Around the World


A location to die for

If you fancy a spot of eternal life, forget the Holy Grail: just go and live in the remote Arctic town of Longyearbyen, where dying is against the law. Actually, this is because it was found that bodies didnt decompose in the permafrost. The graveyard stopped accepting newcomers 70 years ago; so if you fall gravely ill there now, you will be hastily dispatched by plane to the mainland, where you can end your days without getting arrested.


Drunken Disorders
I wonder what that teddy was doing there
Running out of fuel in Germany
Indian Labor laws
Fat fighters
Wearing high heels in Greece
Thai him up
Czech your change
Attempt to suicide
G I No
Chewing gum in Singapore
Pricey passports
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