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Marriage Myths



Marriage Myths

Never go to bed angry at your spouse or, If my partner and I have a disagreement, our relationship is doomed are just two of the many myths that we can dispel before we ever get married. Sometimes, because we are tired and stressed, the best practice is to settle down and to get some needed rest before we deal with the issue the next morning. Other myths, according to Jeffry Larson , include the following: 1.If my spouse loves me. 2.he should instinctively know what I want and need to be happy. 3.No matter how I behave, my spouse should love me simply because she is my spouse. 4.I can change my spouse by pointing out his inadequacies, errors, and other flaws. 5.I must feel better about my partner before I can change my behavior toward him. 6.Maintaining romantic love is the key to marital happiness over the life-span for most couplesMarriage should always be a 7.50-50 partnership . 8.Marriage can fulfill all of my needs.


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