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Don t be afraid to go to bed angry



Don t be afraid to go to bed angry

A lot of well meaning people say that you shouldnt let the sun set on a fight. But its far better to simply come to a point in the argument where you can stop fighting actively and sleep on it. Instead of continuing an argument that is escalating out of control and going in circles, stopping, resting, and waking refreshed can give you new perspective, and help you come to a better and more satisfying resolution than just fighting it out until you are both battered, bloody, and after you have said things you can never take back. Sleeping on it will also help you allow residual negative feelings to dissipate you dont always just say, Okay, thats it, argument over, and return to those warm, loving feelings sometimes resentment lingers awhile. Let it go get some rest. You'll both feel better in the morning.


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