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Arrange a gift

Valentines Day Ideas for Couples


Arrange a gift

A Valentines Day gift doesnt have to be expensive or huge. Gauge what your date might like, and go from there. Some suggestions Many women enjoy the traditional gift of flowers on Valentines Day. You can go for the classic roses in any color, or get a bouquet of her favorite flower. One thing to keep in mind: if the flowers look like something youd send your sick grandmother, reconsider. Reds and pinks are generally romantic colors; roses, gardenias, tulips, orchids and wildflowers are good bets, as well.


Fun in the sun
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Send love someone elses way
Dinner at a fancy restaurant
Avoid fixed price meals
Indulge in yourself
Find something new to love
Arrange a gift
Go after what you want
Plan a special trip
Long drive
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