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Create a schedule

Tips to succeed in online Learning


Create a schedule

Quality online instructors will create courses that are easy to navigate and have clear expectations, notes Wolf. Really good professors will help you put the framework in place, he says. If you dont have that type of framework in place, youll have to do it yourself.

When Finley began his online course, he says he needed to dedicate two to three hour time blocks to log in and complete assignments. I had to change around my entire schedule to complement my course, he adds. Im using Microsoft Outlook more than ever to set up when projects are due and to stay on track with the assignments. You have to dedicate time to this.


Fill out the surveys
Read and practice everything
Confirm technical requirements
Ask questions
Have a consistent workspace
Be comfortable communicating through text
Advantages of Online Learning
Plan weekly study times
Become a master of online tools
Stay motivated
Participate Participate Participate
Connect with instructors early
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