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Start a gift list

Tips to get ready for xmas


Start a gift list

Just after the celebration, its easy to remember which gifts were a hit or a miss. Was a nephew unexpectedly delighted with a copy of the latest Harry Potter book? Start a gift list now, and you will remember to add Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans candy to his stocking next year. A printable Christmas gift list form helps corral all those fleeting, Oh, would not he love a thoughts, and gives you the jump on next years gift list. Print one now to hold these last minute gift possibilities; you'll have a head-start when you start next year's holiday shopping.


Make Time for You
Do not be Over ambitious
Family photo
Make a Christmas planner
Schedule December
Take notes
Put up your Christmas tree
Tie up memories
Bust out the seasonal drinks and food
Start Now if You Can
Learn a craft
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