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Value unscheduled time

Tips to get ready for Vacation


Value unscheduled time

Its OK if you and your kids do not see all of the important sights in the city, or get on all of the rides at the amusement park. The purpose of a vacation is to let the day unwind in front of you and enjoy the people that you are with, rather than checking things off a list, says Debbie Then, PhD, a social psychologist working in California. At the end of the day, the kids will not remember all the museums that they went to, but they are going to remember interacting with Mom and Dad.


Where to Stay on Your Hawaiian Vacation
Roll your clothes when your packing and put your socks in your shoes
Bring your own snacks
Know what to expect
Involve the whole family in the vacation planning process
Bring an empty water bottle
Do not go with the kids
Dining Out in Hawaii
Do not pack things you can buy there if they are not necessities
Leave the lighters at home
Take the time to prepare for your trip
Make sure all your credit card companies and banks know where you are traveling and the dates
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