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Take care of yourself

Tips to get ready for Vacation


Take care of yourself

Put together personal care kits for each family member in a zipper bag or cosmetics organizer. Include sample-sized bottles of shampoo, shower gel, lotion and sun block. Use motel supplies along the way to replenish care kits. At vacation's end, re-stock care kits and store inside suitcases for the next trip.


Roll your clothes when your packing and put your socks in your shoes
Put all toiletries in a plastic bag separate from everything possible
Decide when to drive
Make sure all your credit card companies and banks know where you are traveling and the dates
Be flexible
Do not pack things you can buy there if they are not necessities
Leave the lighters at home
Know what to take in and out
Planning for the Unexpected on Your Hawaiian Vacation
Establish Travel Central
Bring your own snacks
Involve the whole family in the vacation planning process
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