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Visit a parade

Tips to get ready for New Year


Visit a parade

Parades are full of excitement, including firecrackers, activities, and dragon dancers. There are people who are disguised as dragons and lions, the dragon is revered in China rather than being viewed as a monster. Indeed, it could be said that the dragon almost symbolizes China itself. A five clawed dragon used to be worn by emperors on their clothes and they also wore yellow and other people were forbidden from doing so. Nowadays you can wear yellow and dragons too, as its not only for royalty. The lions and dragons also scare off the bad spirits like the firecrackers, and the dragon dance and lion dance are an important part of the Chinese New Year. They are decorated beautifully and are a sight worth seeing.Look online or in your local newspaper for information about local Chinese New Year parades in your area. Be sure to take your camera and to wear adequate clothes if its cold outside. The Lantern Festival is held on the last day. People carry lanterns designed as insects such as dragonflies or animals with them on the streets. Sweet rice cakes and other sweets are eaten on this day and people put candles around their house to guide the spirits home.


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