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Create a focal point

Tips to Decorate your BedRoom


Create a focal point

There are leading roles and supporting cast members in any production. The same holds true in design. Choose your star and make it the focal point to anchor a room. Allow other items to take a secondary role. do not ask everything to have a leading role it will just result in visual noise. Your focal point might be a dramatic hood in the kitchen, a mantel and art piece in the living room or a headboard in the bedroom. Whatever it is, choose something that will draw attention. In this room the fireplace and the lighting work together as a collective focal point, bringing your eye right to the center of the composition and anchoring it there.


Serene Sleep Space
Visual Interest
Bedroom Bizarre
Resist the urge to be too theme y
Be bold
Plantation Style
Fresh Air Fun
Get Framed
Spice It Up
Consider sight lines
Avoid Matchy Matchy
Hard to Miss
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