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Successful teachers take time to explore new tools

Things Successful Teachers Do Differently


Successful teachers take time to explore new tools

With the advance of technology, there are fresh new resources and tools that can add great functionality to your classroom and curriculum. There is no doubt that the students you are teaching (far younger than you) probably already use technologies you havent tapped into yet. Dont be afraid to push for technology in the classroom. It is often an underfunded area but in this current world and climate, your students will be growing up in a world where technology is everywhere. Give them a headstart and use technology in your classroom.


Have well defined consequences
Believe in them
Successful teachers are reflective
Assign relevant homework
Successful teachers know when to listen to students and when to ignore them
Successful teachers are consistent
Manage behaviour
Successful teachers enjoy their work
Successful teachers are not threatened by parent advocacy
Your time should be used wisely
Successful teachers know how to take risks
Think about teacher student relationships
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