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A good teacher is an assertive teacher

Things Successful Teachers Do Differently


A good teacher is an assertive teacher

Your students can have problems, bad days, stress, or even depressions as well. If you see that some of your students start to study worse, have no desire to do all schoolwork you give them, and just want to give up everything, do not be in a hurry to argue and tell them about how bad or lazy they become. You can become like a parent to them. Support your student, ask about what happens to him, push him to do better. If you see that your student is depressed, maybe it would be better to meet with him after classes and find out what exactly is going on.


Dont worry about learning styles
Believe in them
Theres no evidence that setting works
Praise can do more harm than good
Manage behaviour
Assign relevant homework
Successful teachers teach
Consider giving quizzes
Successful teachers expect their students to succeed
Instruction matters
Successful teachers communicate with parents
Successful teachers have a sense of purpose
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