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You imagine things from above and tilted

Things Psychology Tells You About Yourself


You imagine things from above and tilted

If you ask someone to draw a glass, for the most part they will draw it from the angle demonstrated to the left. But what is to stop them from simply drawing a circle? This would be a valid overhead view. The reason is that our brains, when left to their own devices, imagine objects in this format.


Your mind wanders 30 persent of the time
Most of your decisions are subconscious
You blame a persons behavior on their personality
You reconstruct your memories
You can sustain a high level of attention for approximately 10 minutes
Groups are bad at making decisions
The ability to delay gratification starts young
You see things differently than the way you perceive them
On average it takes you 66 days to form a habit
You overestimate your reaction to future events
Your most vivid memories are often flawed
Groups are also easily swayed
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