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Pears are rich in vitamins B2, C, E, and K, as well as copper and potassium, and they are a great source of fiber. Pears are the least acidic of common fruits, so they are recommended for both babies and adults with gastric reflux or a tendency to heartburn.
An Australian project on the influence of foods on asthma found that pears (along with apples) seemed to protect the young adults studied both from asthma attacks and from developing asthma. And although any food may cause an allergy in a person sensitive to it, pears are so rarely allergenic that they are included in the allergen-restricted diets used to determine and control food allergies.
Red-hued pears, such as Red Anjou and Red Bartlett, have more antioxidant anthocyanins than the green, yellow, and brown varieties.
Nutritional Facts :
One medium pear provides 103 calories, 27.5 g carbohydrate, 0.68 g protein, 0.21 g fat, 5.5 g dietary fiber, 41 IU vitamin A, 7.5 mg vitamin C, 0.28 mg niacin, 8 mcg vitamin K, 16 mg calcium, 12 mg magnesium, 20 mg phosphorus, and 212 mg potassium.


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