Stunts Mania
Stunts are defined as building performances displaying a person skill or dexterity. Stunting in cheerleading has been previously referred to as building pyramids. Stunts range from basic two legged stunts to one legged extended stunts and high flying basket tosses. There are numerous variations of each stunt, multiple entries and dismounts out of the stunt. Stunts vary at each level (level 1 6 according to the USASF). Each level increases the difficulty of the stunt. There are few recognized styles of stunting, coed, all girl and hybrid. Cheerleading teams are restricted to specific stunt rules based on the guidelines of certain associations and organizations. Therefore, some stunts can be a permitted in certain divisions but illegal in others due to the different stunt regulations. The level of difficulty depends on where the teams stunt and practice as well as the organization they are apart of since cheer associations want to maintain the safety of the cheerleaders by restricting them to try stunts that are too advanced for their level.