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Stunts Mania



This is the person that is in the air during a stunt. The flyer can also be referred to as the top.The flyer must control their own weight by keeping their abdominal muscles tight to stabilize the spinal column while in the air. In addition, they need to use their shoulders and their upper bodies to pull their weight off their bases underneath them. They also need to lock out their legs. If they do not stay tight, there is a greater risk of them becoming off of their center of balance and falling. They must keep a steady focus on what they are doing. A strong core and good sense of balance are key qualities for a flyer to possess. Flyers may be extremely flexible and have a good sense of balance. In order to do accomplish more advanced skills flyers need to be flexible so they can maintain their balance and position on one leg while pulling other tricks with the other leg. Therefore, the more flexibility a flyer has the more successful their stunts will be. Flyers are typically the shorter and leaner people on the team, but other members can act as a flyer depending on their exceptional abilities. The flyers must always look up and never down. Flyers tend to look out, whether it is into the crowd, or staring at a point on the wall but looking straight ahead will help keep them balanced. If flyers feel like they are going to fall because they cannot hold their balance, be sure to stay tight by keeping legs and arms tight next to the body so they do not hit or hurt the cheerleaders under the flyer holding them in the air.


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