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The play

Rules to play Fox Hunting


The play

Each player throws one dart at bullseye, closest to the bullseye is the fox and goes first. The fox starts on 20 and must throw one dart in order into the double 20 and the single 20 to advance. The double twenty is the thin outer ring and the single is either of the large wedges. After the 20 is completed, the fox continues counter clockwise around the board first hitting the double then the single of each number. After three darts are thrown, the hound then gets a chance to try to catch the fox. The hound starts on 18 and must throw one dart into the double 18 to advance. After the double 18 is hit, the hound progresses counter clockwise throwing one dart into each doulbe in order. After three darts are thrown, the play goes back to the fox.

If the fox makes it all the way around the board back to the double 20 no single needs to be thrown when the fox returns to the 20 the round is over. If the hound hits the double of the number the fox is on it does not matter if the fox in on the double or the single the hound has captured the fox and the round is over. Wherever the fox was when the round ended is remembered or marked on the scoreboard and the roles of the fox and hound are reversed. The new fox must try to get further around the board than the first fox did. If both foxes make it home the game is a tie and may be played again to determine a winner.


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