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Opening the Game

Rules to play Dominoes


Opening the Game

Determine who will make the first play, as explained above in Order of Play and according to the rules of the particular domino game being played. The player making the first play may be referred to as the setter, the downer, or the leader. He should place his tile face up in the middle of the table. The words set, down, and lead are all used as verbs to refer to the act of making the first play of the game. The set, the down, and the lead are used as nouns to refer to the first domino played in a game and also the first play of the game. Here is a rule variation that players may agree to employ Anytime a player plays a double, whether for the opening of the game or anytime thereafter during the game, he may immediately play a second tile onto his double before the next player makes his play.


Shuffling the Tiles
A player plays out of turn
Blocking the Game
A domino is played in error
Seating arrangement
Number of players
Pick a place
Beginning the Game
Decide the order of play
Shuffle the dominoes
End the round and award points
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