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Object of the game

Rules to play Dominoes


Object of the game

Scoring points by laying the dominoes end to end the touching ends must match i.e., ones touch ones, twos touch twos, etc.. If the dots on the exposed ends total any multiple of five the player is awarded that number of points. All sides of the first double the spinner may be used one piece to each side and later one to each end. All other doubles are played at right angles to the line and the total points on both ends are counted. Dominoing occurs when one player goes out by playing all of his dominoes. The sum of the spots of all opposing players is computed and added to the dominoing players score rounded to the nearest five. In partnership play the spots of the partner of the one who DOMINOED are not counted.


Opening the Game
Shuffle the dominoes
Draw an opening hand
Line of Play
Types of Domino Games
Too many tiles are drawn
Drawing the Hand
Seating arrangement
Acquire a domino set
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