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Size of court

Rules to play Croquet


Size of court

The normal size of court for garden croquet is 17.5 metres by 14 metres. However, you can play on other size lawns to fit the particular characteristics of your garden. The longer the grass and the rougher the surface, the smaller the court should be. You may need to reduce the measurements to fit onto the available lawn. If reducing the size, keep all proportions the same as for a normal sized lawn i.e. reduce all length and width measurements by the same proportion .

If you have a good quality lawn flat and with very short grass and you have reached a high skill level then you may like to increase the size of the lawn. Again keep the proportions the same. At croquet clubs you will find most lawns are 32 metres by 25.6 metres but this is usually too large for garden croquet.


Time limits
Optional accessories
Rover play
Using deadness
Handicap play
Wicket and Roquet
Out of Bounds Play
The mallets
Sequence of hoops
Object of the game
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