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Dont use a cell phone when driving

Precautions while using Mobile Phones


Dont use a cell phone when driving

Dont use a cell phone when driving. It is a highly dangerous distraction that causes accidents, injury, and death. If u must carry your cell phone on you, make sure that key pad is positioned toward your body and the back is positioned toward the outside so that the transmitted electromagnetic fields move away from you rather than through you.


Do not allow children to use a cell phone
Emits radiation
Minimal reduction of exposure
Avoid using a cell phone when sick or pregnant
Do not keep a mobile phone beside the bed at night switched on
The health risks
Dont make calls when youre enclosed in metal
Try to keep the cell phone away from the body
Communicating using your cell phone
Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer and Disease
The radiation is more damaging
It uses less power and exposes you less
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