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Avoided by anyone who has any metallic object

Precautions while using Mobile Phones


Avoided by anyone who has any metallic object

Use of a mobile phone should be avoided by anyone who has any metallic object in or on their head, whether magnetic or not, such as amalgam fillings and dental bridges, metal plates, screws, clips, body ornaments, earrings or metal framed glasses. The same is true for those with walking frames, wheelchairs or metal crutches, so as to avoid increasing radiation by the phenomena of reflection, amplification, resonance, passive reemission, etc.


Biological effects
Communicating using your cell phone
Dont carry a cell phone close to the body
Try to keep the cell phone away from the body
Use a hands free device or wireless headset
Dont make calls when youre enclosed in metal
Distance between the phone and your head
Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer and Disease
Effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields
Reduce exposure
Use a wireless headset instead
Beware of weak signal
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