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Safety Equipment

Precautions while using CNG


Safety Equipment

1. CNG safety signage should be visible at all applicable locations as stipulated by federal, state and municipal law.
2. Natural gas rated fire extinguishers should be accessible and visible throughout all servicing and fueling areas. Be sure that fire extinguishers are charged and up to date.
3. In case of emergency, self contained breathing apparatus should be on site in an easily accessible area.
4. Areas designated for CNG fueling systems must have adequate lighting that complies with NFPA and other applicable codes.
5. Protective footwear and eyewear should be worn by all personnel in close proximity to a CNG system.
6. Search for leaks using only certified leak detecting solutions and equipment such as Swagelok Snoop?. Any other product or solutions are unacceptable.
7. Use tools that are in good working order with proper calibration.
8. Wear appropriate attire while servicing or maintaining any CNG system.


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