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Nothing Is Private on Open Wi Fi

Precaution while using WiFi


Nothing Is Private on Open Wi Fi

Today, most tech users know how (and why) to secure their home wireless routers. Windows 7 and Vista now pop up a dialog box to warn you when youre connecting to unencrypted wireless networks. In a coffee shop, an airport lounge, or a library, however, people frequently connect without thinking twice and though using an unencrypted connection to check a baseball score or a flight status might be acceptable, reading e mail or performing any Web activity that requires a login is akin to using your speakerphone in the middle of a crowd.


Secure your web based email
Is it OK to use this random wireless network that I just found
Avoid accessing websites
Security and convenience are always at odds
Use a mobile hotspot
Keep An Eye On Access Points
Avoid automatically connecting to Wi Fi hotspots
Turn on the firewall
Don t use public networks to login
Disable Your Wi Fi Adaptor When Not Using The Computer
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