Know how to direct the client to give the look you want
Portrait Photography tips for Beginners
Know how to direct the client to give the look you want
It takes practice to learn how to communicate your posing ideas to the client. With time, you ll learn how to give directions clearly. For example, I commonly tell clients and models Don t show any teeth for this one, but just think about smiling as you pose. The client always understands that direction easily. Other photographers ask the client to think about warm cookies, but that s just way way way too corny for my taste
Use natural reflectors
Buy a few scarves
Stop re living your mistakes
Check for sharpness on the eyelashes
Use framing in a creative way
Choose your model carefully
Adjust the lighting to fix deep set eyes
When shooting for clients write their name on a sticky note and put it on the back of your camera
Artificially light your subject naturally
I know you want pictures of the face but you might also consider going smaller
Get a vertical battery grip
Compose and then focus rather than focusing and re composing
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