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The new year

New Year Poems


The new year

What does the new year hold for me? The days ahead I cannot see. I may see sickness, grief, or pain; I may see Jesus come again. I may place loved ones in a grave, Or I may see a loved one saved. I may be moved another place, Or I may go see Jesus face. I may have poverty untold, Or I may walk the streets of gold. I may hear often calls of grace, Or I might soon the judgment face. As I look back on years gone by, Consider how fast they did fly, And all the years that I did waste, Brought to my life such sad disgrace, I wonder as I face this year Will I determine God to hear? Or will I listen to the world And all its offers here unfurled? Will I apply my lessons learned, Or will I just snub them and spurn? Will I another year just waste And not try more to run the race That God has set before me here With faithfulness and holy fear? The year ahead can be a thrill, Or can with sinful acts be filled. The year ahead can bring reward As I try more to serve the Lord. Who knows but what this year could be The last in this old world for me? Therefore, I must forget the past And do what for my Lord will last. If He has put my past behind, I can trust Him to heal my mind, My heart, my soul, my life alway, And live my best for Him today. Oh, yes, I will not perfect be; Ill fail, Im sure, His will to see. But if I come in humble prayer, I know that Hell forgive me there. The key is how I handle sin: Will I just let it dwell within, Continue and be satisfied, Or cry out to the One who died To come, forgive, and cleanse again And help me overcome that sin? So as I face the year ahead, May I determine now instead Of seeing each day go to waste, Live in His righteousness and grace.


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