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Allergies are a nondestructive problem

Myth about Allergies


Allergies are a nondestructive problem

Allergies are a serious problem and should be treated effectively. If left untreated, allergies can lead to impaired quality of life, including sleep and learning ability, as well as missed school and work days. Untreated allergies can also result in chronic respiratory problems, such as asthma and sinusitis, or dermatologic disorders, such as eczema and urticaria (hives). Some allergies, such as food allergies, drug allergies, or insect allergies, can even lead to a life threatening reaction called anaphylaxis.


Over the counter drugs are all you need
We should avoid the food we are allergic to
I m allergic to foods that don t agree with me
I should take my allergy medication as soon as I notice the symptoms
You only need to take allergy medication when you start feeling terrible
Allergy shots don t work
Allergies are essentially a harmless problem
Food allergy is the same as food intolerance
Short haired pets are better for people with pet allergies
Excessive cleanliness reduces allergies
Allergies cause autism
Latex in carpet produces allergic reactions
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