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The location of Marilyns white dress scene 586 Lexington Ave NYC

Movie Locations You Can Actually Visit


The location of Marilyns white dress scene 586 Lexington Ave NYC

Of all the iconic scenes in Hollywoods golden age, there is probably nothing more memorable than the sight of Marilyn Monroes infamous New York subway scene where she wore that famous white dress that got got blown away from the wind beneath the railings. That iconic scene was from Billy Wilders 1955 movie Some Like it Hot. Apparently her then husband, baseball legend Joe DiMaggio got so incensed by the attention that it led to their inevitable divorce. Apparently, it was also hard for Marilyn as her director required several takes in order to get it just right for the censors.


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The location of Marilyns white dress scene 586 Lexington Ave NYC
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