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Daybreakers 2009

Most Bizarre Hollywood Dystopias


Daybreakers 2009

Many zombie films deal with the apocalypse in motion, but Daybreakers instead looks at what happens when the vampires have won.Needless to say, taking over the planet leads to the sticky problem of finding enough blood to nourish an entire world with a very particular diet. A chance encounter with a group of humans leads the protagonist to a startling discovery vampirism is curable.The film tackles ideas like class exploitation and the influence of big Pharma, and while its not the greatest effort ever committed to film, its entertaining in spurts and, at times, downright creepy.


Fahrenheit 451 1966
Idiocracy 2006
Children of Men 2006
District 9 2009
Daybreakers 2009
Blade Runner 1982
RoboCop 1987
Total Recall 1990
Wall E 2008
A Clockwork Orange 1971
The Road 2009
Serenity 2005
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