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Jumping Jacks


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Dont overlook the benefits of a basic pushup. Pushups tone the triceps, shoulders and biceps while building core strength. Kneel on all fours, aligning your hips with your knees and your shoulders with your wrists. Widen your hands 2 inches, extend your legs behind you and lift onto your toes. Tighten your stomach muscles and lift your hips into alignment with your shoulders, back and knees. Dont let your hips drop during the exercise. Lower your body toward the floor, bending and flaring your elbows as you go down. Stop before your chest contacts the floor, push your arms to straight and lift your body to the start position. Do pushups on your knees if this is too hard. Complete 12 to 15 repetitions, stopping when your muscles fatigue.


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Jumping Jacks
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