ideas to boost business

Ideas to Boost Business

A collection of practical business, financial, legal and personal tips to help your business survive
41. Join Organizations That Can Help You
a. Most industries have organizations that support that industry. For Example: Your local video store may be a member of the V.S.D.A. Video Software Dealers Association .
b. I wonder where we can find a list of these organizations? The library, perhaps.
c. Talking to people in the same industry can give you a good idea of what to try and not try in business promotion. There is always someone at these meetings who can help you succeed. The organization exists to benefit your business or product.
d. Many organizations have conventions that are closed to the general public. The Video Software Dealers have one of the largest conventions in Las Vegas every year sorry, Video Dealers only . Conventions are a gold mine of good information.
42. What If I Cant Match A Competitors Offer
a. If your competitor is offering 50 percent off over a four day weekend and you cant afford the extra inventory or the mark down for that long, what can you do?
b. Offer a better deal for a shorter time. Try offering 60 percent off on Saturday only. You will still drain off a lot of his customers on a busy sale day and you will be perceived as a better place to do business.
43. Track Your Clients Special Needs
a. Create a form to keep track of clients requests for special services and products and whether you can meet these requests.
b. By studying these forms periodically, you can track interest in new products or services that you should offer.
44. Make Sure Your Clients Can Reach You
a. Print your company name, address, and fax number on all materials including, packing slips and invoices.
b. Provide customers with business cards and Rolodex cards.
c. Customers who have to search for your number may come across your competitors number first.
45. Learn More About Your Customers
a. Learn more about customers than just the business theyre in.
b. Pay attention to local newspapers and let customers know you read about them.
46. Be An Expert
a. Offer seminars, establishing your company as an expert on the subject.
b. Seminars help cement relations with current customers, attract prospects, and increase your companys exposure.
c. Choose a topic with broad appeal among your client and prospect base.
d. Follow up with attendees by mail or in person.
47. Write Sales Letters
a. With e mail, fax machines and cellular phones most of us dont write letters any more. But they are an effective means of communication and unlike phone calls, almost always reach the intended audience.
b. Letters enhance a companys professional image, help avoid misunderstandings and often make a sale.
c. Write letters explaining your companys services, detailing how your company helped another well known client or thanking a customer for an order. Hand write Personal on the outside for better response.
d. Keep a library of well written letters for employees to use as models.
48. Listen To Your Customers
Pay attention to questions new customers ask you. The may be telling you about an unpleasant experience they had with a previous company. If they ask about service, exchanges, return policies, etc. Have an employee meeting and go over some of the phrases that might be red flags to watch for. Armed with that knowledge you can let these customers know that you will solve the problem with no hassles or problems.
49. Use Personalized Post
a. Every office uses these little sticky notes and they stick them to everything. With Personalized Post It notes everyone from the CEO to the receptionist will see your company name almost every day.
b. If they have a problem you can solve, your name and number are right there stuck to the page.
50. Rate Your Customers For Surprising Results
a. Assign customers a category such as A , B , C , D , etc. based on several criteria. Include profitability, time spent handling orders and special requests.
b. Youll quickly realize that some high volume accounts are not contributing significantly to the bottom line.
c. Develop a plan to inform all employees who the most profitable customers are and who should receive the best efforts of the company.