ideas to boost business

Ideas to Boost Business

A collection of practical business, financial, legal and personal tips to help your business survive
61. Know Your Audience
Dont address the sea of 500,000 nameless and faceless people who will receive your info.In your ads, brochures, mailings etc. pick one customer you know and like and write the copy to that one individual as though you were sitting down and having a conversation about your business.
62. Get On The Ball
Be ready to be where your customer wants you, when your customer wants you, with what your customer wants.Just in time marketing is crucial as people become spoiled by 24 hour, seven day a week customized products and services.
63. Beware Of The Negative
Make sure you deal with all your customers in good faith and with integrity. Negative word of mouth, especially on computer bulletin boards and systems like the Internet, can cripple your business even more than positive public relations can help it.
64. Focus On The Smaller Market
For every trend, there is at least one counter trend. Its sometimes better to focus on a smaller market one nobody is serving because theyre all off catering to the bigger trend.
65. Direct Mail
Pick up any business book, by any author, and they will tell you there is no other way to sell a product that is cheaper and more successful than direct mail.Forty six per cent of all Americans have purchased something by direct mail. If you think of it as junk mail, think again.
66. Newspaper Specials
Each year newspapers often do special inserts or sections on topics of local interest. Bridal Fairs, Real Estate Home Shows, Craft Fairs etc.
These sections usually have a larger readership than the regular newspaper and your ad can generate more business.
67. Newspaper Placement
Where your ad appears in the paper can have a dramatic impact on how successful it will be. Many people, even if they dont believe in it, read their daily horoscope. Depending on your product, being near the horoscope will increase your ads exposure.
68. Newspaper Ad Design
When running newspaper and or magazine ads the salesperson will sometimes recommend they do the design of your ad as a money saving option. This is usually a bad idea.
Not because they cant do it, or dont have the ability, but because newspaper designers are under a deadline to create many ads in a short amount of time. In most cases your ad wont receive the care and attention to detail it deserves because of the time constraints.
If you doubt this pick up almost any paper and proof read the ads or look for corrections and retractions of past incorrect ads.
69. Save With The Professional Designer
When doing newspaper or magazine ads have your designer create pieces of advertising. Your logo, text for upcoming events, etc.You pay one fee for all the pieces and assemble the pieces needed for each ad you place.
70. Some Tips To Remember When Using Photos In The Newspaper
1. Make sure the photos are not too dark or too light.
2. Take the photo to a print shop and have a PMT Photo Mechanical Transfer made. The printer can lighten and darken each photo as needed. The cost is about $5.00 each in most markets.
3. If the photos are similar in lightness and darkness, the printer can gang the photos. He can shoot several photos on one page for one price.
4. If you need to make a head shot for the paper, ask the photographer to use a light background instead of a gray or black background. Your photo will show up much better.
5. If youre using photos of your building, keep in mind the image you want to project to the reader. Does your business look open or closed? Are there cars in the parking lot? Does the business look prosperous?
6. If you are using a photo of your employees, the common mistake is to take the photo from too far away. For some strange reason people feel we must include the full body in the shot and the faces of the employees are lost.