ideas to boost business

Ideas to Boost Business

A collection of practical business, financial, legal and personal tips to help your business survive
21. Throw A Party
a. Invite clients and friends to your home based business or store, serve refreshments and plan an interesting demonstration of your product or service.
b. Make it EASY for customers to buy or order your products or services. Accept credit cards, checks, eliminate long complicated credit forms, etc.
c. Alert the media. Let the business editor know something special is happening. They love to cover the unveiling of interesting new products.
d. Be friendly and outgoing. If this is not your personality ask a friend to be a greeter.
22. Give A Gift
a. Offer a specialty item thats useful enough to save and that also serves as a reminder of your business. Letter opener, coffee mug, paper weight etc. Look in Yellow Pages under novelties.
23. Three Secrets Of Marketing
a. You must be committed. Commit the money and leave it alone. Plant the seeds that will grow later.
b. You must be consistent. Why does McDonalds advertise every day on every channel? Is there anyone in the USA who hasnt heard of McDonalds? The marketing message must be constantly reinforced. Your customers will forget you if they dont hear from you.
c. You must be confident. Most marketing plans take at least 60 90 days to produce even minimum results. Be patient, your efforts will pay off in the long run.
24. Dont Try To Make Money
a. Offer customers genuinely useful products or services that make you and your customers happy.
b. Do what you love and the money will follow.
25. Establish A Board Of Champions
a. Every quarter or so, put up a dozen of these advisers friends, family, business associates whose opinions and judgment you value into a room and allow them to critique every aspect of your business. For the cost of a nice lunch this board of advisors can give you a different look at yourself.
b. Dont be thin skinned , they may be hard on you or your product, but thats the purpose. They may see problems that you dont. Grow from the experience.
26. Use A Dipstick Now And Then
a. When explaining your product or service to customers, stop every 30 to 45 seconds and ask a question to see if your message is being received. If they ask you to continue or ask to take notes you know youre on the right track.
b. You cant sell it if your message is not being received.
27. Never Assume
a. Never assume any of the following:
1. The customer cant afford it.
2. The customer wont buy it.
3. The customer doesnt understand the product.
4. The customer wont buy more than one.
5. The customer wont price your competitors.
6. The customer wont like you.
b. On the other hand, dont assume the opposite is true either.
c. Have confidence in your product or service and the need it fills.
28. Take Little Bites
a. Eskimos eat whales, and tiny termites eat mighty houses the same way.... a bite at a time.
b. Starting a company or introducing a new product is a monumental task if you approach it as a done deal. General Motors didnt start at its present size, its doors opened on the first day of business with no customers just like yours.
c. Good management, a good product properly positioned, and a never give up attitude.
d. Even with small bites the meal may become more than you can swallow.
29. Use the Public Library
a. The library has more information on business than anyone can possibly read.
b. The librarians will research and find the information you need. A real time saver.
c. Look the books over for two weeks and buy the ones you want to add to your business library.
30. Use One Media To Direct Your Customer To Another
If the best way to reach your target market i.e., Teens is with radio, but you have a long story to tell, use your radio spot to tell them about your big sale ad in the paper.